- Emmett
- The N.O. Saints to the Montgomery Biscuits, from Troy to Tulane. And Lots of Auburn Football in between - Random Sports thoughts from a Random South Alabama Guy
The Oku Alert System
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 7:36 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn, Auburn Football, Reasons to say War Eagle, Recruiting, Terry "Tiny Toon" Bowden
Possible Terry Bowden sighting in Mobile
I repaired an old PC last night, and on it I found one of the best Viral Videos I can remember......
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 9:22 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn, Redneck Fans, Terry "Tiny Toon" Bowden
We are now Wireless
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:32 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Auburn Mobile, DandBradio.com, Reasons to say War Eagle, The Chiznit
The Vols Staff = CH: 4 News Team
I think Lane Kiffin might be the SEC version of Brick Tamland:
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 3:30 PM 0 Reactions
The FB Network is the BS Network
That Gollum look-alike was having Diarrea of the mouth all over the Alabama Airwaves Today........
Ol' Smeagol FineBaum claimed Karlos Dansby saying his HS's Name at the Super Bowl was a huge slap in the face to Auburn….
What Karlos said supports his HS….Karlos has said many times that he does that because he feels it inspires his school and the area....Not because he has issues with AU....In fact he gives Chiz credit for his move to LB, and helping him into the Pro's.
Instead certain radio personalities are acting like he burned Aubie in effigy then deep fried Nova on National TV….
Saban.....My Precious......
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 3:10 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Bammer, Gollum, Nick Satan, Redneck Fans
Its all a Smoke Screen
Then As if Layla Kiffin was not enough visual encouragement....
There is no way having Marisa Miller on
Campus is not a Violation of some sort....

Quick Auburn.......Tell all recruits Our new engineering professor will be on Campus this week....
Now I Just hope Aubie can talk Megan Fox into teaching **Advanced Bio-Morphic Cybertronian Robotics **
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 12:45 PM 1 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Dear Lord Please, Reasons to say War Eagle, Reasons to Show Megan Fox, Recruiting, The Chiznit
Lets Stop Bammers Streak
So Now we should make a Coaching Hire that would tear apart Alabama Sports:
They are so proud of their Hockey Team….
Until we hire the Best There Is:
The only skater to win four national championships and an adult film award!
Who Cares if they laugh….Just Remember:
“They laughed at Louis Armstrong when he said he was gonna go to the moon. Now he's up there, laughing at them.” - Chazz Michael Michaels
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:11 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Bammer, Chazz Michael Michaels, Coaching Hires, Nick Satan, The Chiznit
Cleaning the System
In my eyes - Auburn's loss of Willis is like Auburn getting a Colonic: It will sting and be uncomfortable at First......but when its all done, they realize they just got rid of a big piece of Crap
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 2:55 PM 2 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Bammer, Redneck Fans, The Chiznit
A Wanted Man
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 2:29 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Bammer, The Chiznit
The Truth behind UAT recruiting concern
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 5:40 PM 4 Reactions
The Playbook Bammer, Emmett, Nick Satan, The Chiznit
Exclusive Lance Thompson/Nick Satan Exit Interview
Kopper Kettle Exclusive Audio of Lance Thompson telling the Bammer Staff he quits
Exclusive Lance Thompson/Nick Satan Exit Interview
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 2:29 PM 2 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Bammer, Emmett, Reasons to say War Eagle, The Chiznit
Go Gators....
Wow, this is why I will never have a daughter.....and I do she will be locked in a closet until she is 35....
Link - Fla Fan Pole Dances to Celebrate BCS Win
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:58 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook SEC Girls
I'm Back.....
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 7:48 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Dear Lord Please, Emmett, Thanks
Sorry things have been Down while all this crazy news has been going on....Thanks for the Support from those close to me who know why I have been away....My goal is to start steady post again near the end of the Month....I will send out a msg....even if there is still only two following....and thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes on the Person Side of life
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 5:08 PM 0 Reactions
Even Smaller Ball of Hate
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 7:40 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Bare Knuckle, Dear Lord Please, Reasons to say War Eagle, Recruiting, Smaller Ball of Hate