- Emmett
- The N.O. Saints to the Montgomery Biscuits, from Troy to Tulane. And Lots of Auburn Football in between - Random Sports thoughts from a Random South Alabama Guy
One of the Wisest Bammers I Know
Mr. D wrote this quite a while back, but I think he still has a point.
Dunaway was doing the Tide Coaches show back then, so he saw many things first hand.
Things could always Be or Get worse....no matter what Auburn decides to do about Tubby....Its not gonna be pretty
Go Crazy Auburn, Go Crazy - Link
The Kopper Kettle Explosion
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 6:36 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn, Auburn Football, Bammer, DandBradio.com, Emmett, Jim Dunaway
Reasons to say War Eagle
One of my favorite quotes for my Aubies on the Edge:
When he took the Auburn Job Pat Dye was asked:
"How long will it take for you to beat Alabama"?
His reply, "60 minutes"
We have to keep our heads up, or else it goes to hell even faster.
War Eagle,
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 4:18 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Reasons to say War Eagle
Pick 3 10/31
| | |
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:50 PM 0 Reactions
Flaming Couch Pick 3 10/17/08
Here are my pics for Pick 3 this week 10/17/08:
Baylor @ OK St. -17 - He's a Man, He's 41, and he has one hell of a football team.
FIU @ Troy -8.5 - I think Troy has all the talent to cover plus some...but they don't always show it.
LSU -3 @ S.C. - I think The Ole Ball Coach's big win this week was Bowden getting the boot. The Tigers are drunk and mad....I just hope they don't set the train cars on fire.
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 10:54 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Flaming Couch, NCAA Lines, Pick 3, Troy
The Devil is still in the (Rays) Details
The New MLB Math
One Quick Run + 5hrs/27min. + a 1-1 tied ACLS = 1 Gabe Gross...and one proud Fan
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 12:36 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Baseball, Gross, MLB Owners, Rays, Reasons to say War Eagle
For those keeping Score
Ok so I only hit one Week if this is a Parlay...but the total count is...12/18 Games...I am Slacking...I will catch back up....Scouts honor
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:57 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Emmett, Flaming Couch, NCAA Lines, Odds, Parlay, Pick 3, Pick Um
Another Quote
Ok, another C.S. Lewis Quote that I Just thought of.....
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:28 PM 0 Reactions
Still say WAR EAGLE
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:13 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn, Auburn Football, Emmett, Reasons to say War Eagle, SEC Girls
Here it comes
As if I needed anything worse to happen this week, OK lost....I dont know If I can take Bammers if the Tide becomes #1. They are already mad that sports radio was all about Auburn this week, so next week won't be pretty.
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 3:50 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Bammer, Redneck Fans
Cotton Pick'n Trouble
I have thought this young man was the Future of Tiger Football....I hope he still is....
Cotton makes his Pick
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:11 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn, Auburn Football, Dear Lord Please, Emmett
Flaming Couch Pick 3 10/10/08
I have two Idea's to name Auburns O. I like "Tubbys Imitation Spread - Still half the points, but less filling"
But personally I will think of it as the Spread Eagle Offense, because Auburn is laying there waiting to get screwed
My Pick 3 for the week:
Tulane +4.5 @ UTEP - What made the Wave wash back out last week. They were huge Favs. over Army and got their JudenHuts handed to them. I still think they can win, but they have to make better playcalls. I dont know where they got their calls from last week.
"Hey Beavis, let's check out the men's room in this gas station. Sometimes they have pretty good advice on the wall." - ButtHead
Vandy -2.5 @ State - You love Vandy, until you play them...then you get a little nervous...I like it. To explain how I feel about Vandy I use a quote not from a Comadoor, but a Door none the less.
"I like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable." - Jim Morrison
Colorado @ Kansas -14 - I always liked the Hawkins boys at Colorado, but I think Kansas Offense is way to strong.No real quote for this one, so I will just throw one in from one of the best ever.....
"I've wined and dines with kings and queens, and I've slept in alleys eatin' pork and beans." - Dusty Rhodes
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 3:20 PM 0 Reactions
Pick 3 10/03/08
Ok, I missed last week so here are my picks for this Week 5.
Army @ Tulane -20 : This is the biggest spread I can ever remember Tulane having. It makes me nervous....but the green wave will prevail.
Auburn -4 @ Vandy : I think Auburn is almost an underdog in this game. Everyone acts like we have not won a game all year. The Tigers score in the 30's.
Ohio St -1.5 @ Whisky :
I think Ohio St will roll over Wisc. T.P. Will show why he was worth all the hype.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 7:34 PM 0 Reactions
ESPN = Low Class
Watching & praying for Brad right now...so this is via cell phone.
I have been mad at ESPN many times in my life, but they hit a new level tonight.
To not only get in the way of EMT's but to almost run over his Mom trying to get a shot turns my stomach. If I wanted the Paperazzi I would be reading US magazine.
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 8:19 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn, Auburn Football
Tulane still undefeated in Moral Victories
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 6:52 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Bammer, Emmett, Green Wave, Tulane
Pick 3 reasons to say War Eagle
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:46 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Emmett, Reasons to say War Eagle, SEC Girls
Emmett's Flaming Couch 9/12/08
Certain "Experts" have their Flaming Arrow.....
Well I have my Flaming Couch 3 Game Parlay
3 Game Parlay
Auburn -10.5 @ State - Auburns O will find itself this week....
Georgia -7.5 @ S.C. - Georgia should win by 20, but they will just cover....
Rice @ Vandy -7 - I have been on rice this season, but I don't think they can match Nix if he has his head in the game.
-----Side Bets -----
UAB +30 @ Tenn - I think Big Phil will take a look at his team depth....and I think UAB can keep it close with the Vols 3rd string.
N.D. @ Michigan -2 - I just hate ND
Iowa St +13.5 @ Iowa - I think Coach Chizik can pull it off over the most overrated coach in the NCAA.
I did not pick the Tulane game because E.C. will win, but my gut says Green Wave will cover the 13. I always try to pick with the real world in mind. But heck........
EC @ Tulane +13 - Dear God I wish this would happen...how sweet would that be
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 10:50 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Emmett, Flaming Couch, NCAA Lines, Odds, Parlay, Pick 3, Pick Um, Tulane
Reason # 2694 to say War Eagle
AUburn in Maxim UK
Then there is Gameday.....even more reasons to say War Eagle
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 11:11 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn, Emmett, Flaming Couch, SEC Girls
I Bet Mike Price Hates Bruce Pearl
"It was a morning like other mornings and yet perfect among mornings" - The Pearl by John Steinbeck
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 4:03 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Coach Pearl, Flaming Couch, SEC Girls
New Playbook Idea
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 2:41 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, SEC Girls
Against the Odds - Week 1
Well kids its that time of the year again. Its like the day before Christmas...but gifts are so much better.
I guess time for me to make a fool of myself and make a bunch of Line Picks...
So here they go...
Bama +4 at Clemson --- I hate myself for this pick, and I am sure they will fail me. But for some reason I just think Clemson is the most overrated team in the country.
La-Mo at Auburn -26 --- I think that the only thing holding Auburn under a 26 point win will be Coach Tubs. He always takes it easy on these small schools.
***This Weeks 3 Game Parlay***
Memphis @ Ole Miss -7.5 --- I am in hopes that there will be a "Wild Grove Package"
Utah at Michigan -9.5 --- This is the hottt pick this week, but the other way around. I think Michigan will pull off the "upset" and shut up all the "experts"
Illinois @ Missouri -9.5 --- The only thing better than Missouri's O is their D....I say its over quick
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 1:41 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook NCAA Lines, Odds, Pick 3, Pick Um
New Bama Promo
If Bama wants more people to know their Schedule....They should use this
Bama 2008 Schedule - link
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 10:50 PM 0 Reactions
Hissssss-story repeating
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 8:58 PM 0 Reactions
Can MLB Dinosaurs learn new tricks?
Is it just me, or is MLB turning the possibility of a Mark Cuban owned Cubs into more drama than it ever should be. They are acting like Vince McMahon wants to buy the team and start the XMLB.
Mark Cuban may be a controversial figure, but he is also a smart business man. Any Controversy he would start would be defending his team. Instead they are treating him like the second coming of Marge Schott.
Most Casual Baseball fans know George Steinbrenner because he is one of the "Billionaire Bad Guys" in baseball. Outside of Steinbrenner the average person cannot name another owner of a franchise. This is where Cuban being part of the franchise could be the one of the best things to happen to baseball in a long time. Mark Cuban has the Jerry Jones like power to make people both love and hate him at the same time.... The "Anti-Hero"
Let me explain- And because I am a loser, I will use a cartoon as an example
The T-Rex in the photo above is a Transformer named Grimlock. He is loud, and has a bad personality...but he is on the same side as the good guys. The problem is that not many of the good guys like him because of his abrasive personality, and the fact he would rather fight than have a civil conversation. Yet, when there is a bigger, stronger villain in the scene...Grimlock is the guy they want fighting along side them.
It’s the same way in Sports: We are irritated by Jones until the Cowboys play the Patriots; we might dislike Cuban....but would love him if the Cubs beat the "Big Payroll" Yankees or "Better then you" Red Sox in the World Series.
I will end with this,
Baseball needs the Cubs to hold the NL fan base in their region; just like it needs the Braves, Dodgers, Reds and Mets. The only way they will continue to do that is to quit being the Lovable Losers and get a sense of Pride back in Wrigley.
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 6:13 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Cuban, Cubs, Emmett, MLB Owners, Ownership
K.S.I. Miami
Kimbo Slice Is (the face of MMA for) Miami, but I fear that CBS and a lot of MMA fans are expecting too much from the Internet Icon. The guy has a great back story...Football Star, played for the Hurricanes, Dropped out became homeless, becomes Bouncer for a porn company, becomes Internet Star Bare knuckle boxing. Its just like that movie Cinderella Man, only a whole lot better.
It just worries me when a sports figure is hyped too much, because often when they fail everything around them fails. MMA is a great sport, but if it fails on a major network it may set them back for a short time.
I was able to watch the Kimbo Fight that Aired on CBS Saturday night and I fully believe he won the only way he can, a K.O. or D.Q. (a blood DQ in this case).
I almost compare Kimbo to an option or spread QB being drafted in the top 10. He may be the strongest and fastest athlete, but his way does not work as well in the pros as it did in college.
Even if you look at Kimbo's record his best know win was over Tank Abbott, a man who is past his prime and fights the same strait up style as Kimbo.
I would like to see him fight someone smaller with good defensive matt skills, like Rich Franklin.
The best would be to see him and Brock Lesner go head to head. While many people were down on Lesner after his first match, I thought he showed an amazing upside. Especially for someone who had been fake fighting for all those years.
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 8:38 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Bare Knuckle, Emmett, Kimbo, MMA, Slice
A letter to Jay J.
Dear Mr. Jacobs,
As an Auburn Alum and Avid fan I just wanted to give you a few words of advice when hiring a new baseball Coach.
DON'T SCREW UP!!!!........pretty please
I hope you cans see there are two great candidates within 2 hrs of campus, so no need to get a privateer, or any of Florida’s leftovers.
Casey Dunn has shown great potential at Samford and would be a great #1 choice, and then you can look toward Troy.
Bobby Pierce has done well down there, not a bad second choice....even if he is a Bama guy.
If those guys are not your style you could always take a chance on a new name. I am a huge fan of Mark Kingston the Associate Head Coach @ Tulane.
I am sure you will make the right call. And if you don't we will always have our Basketball team to lift our spirits.
War Eagle,
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 9:36 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Baseball, Emmett, Troy, Tulane
Old D&B Email
Here were some thoughts I had the NFL draft
Email sent to TheShow@DandBradio.com on April 28/08
- I might be forced to pull for the Bears in the future. With Farve out of G.B. I don’t have any allegiance to anyone in the NFC North.
The major reason is that they Drafted my Favorite colloge Running Back from last year Matt Fortee from Tulane. Kid can run, he had no talent around him and other teams knew it. It reminded me of L. Tomlinson’s situation out of TCU. Eight or nine guys in the Box and still over 2000 yards this season. Then you toss in Earl Bennett, Kellen Davis and Marcus Monk…those are some big time bargain picks in my opinion. Its just too bad none of them can play Quarterback.
- My Saints let me down again…what a surprise. You trade up and draft a DT then take a Corner that is a “Project” player. It’s like they took mistakes from the last few drafts and combine them into one. Granted I think the Ellis is much better that Sullivan was it still seems like history repeating. At least I know Fred Thomas is not there to teach Porter how to choke in the NFC championship game.
- Donnie Avery better be a steady WR within the next 3 years, wow.
- The Colts stole Pollack and Heart will be a great #2 Tailback. I think he will flourish in thunder and lightning system.
- I hope the Jags have enough D-Ends this season, I would hate for them to run short.
- Wow, nothing like a vote of confidence for Aaron Rodgers. Brohm will be a tough Battle for him in the 09 spring camp. Personally I think Matt Flynn could ultimately be the man to take the snaps in G.B. 3 years from now. He makes good reads and has hidden speed.
- Its always weird to hate other SEC players but pull so hard for them in the draft. They are like the good kid from the trash family that live down the street. For years their dad drove over your mailbox, his uncle threw beer cans in your yard and heck…maybe one time their little bro. set your barn on fire (and a van). But later on you when you see him doing well for himself you are happy for him; you don’t think of the Home (School) he came from, you’re proud because he is a Hometown (SEC) guy.
- If ESPN sticks their head any further…..well lets just say they are checking Pete Carroll for polyps.
-While the wife was getting ready to leave she made an interesting point. “They are showing a lot of Auburn on TV”. That got me thinking and I watched any clips with Blue and Orange much closer. Every Defensive pick that played against Auburn had highlights shown from that game, and it has made me very optimistic for next season. Why…well its simple. As much as I hate to say it, I am happy because we will not have Brandon Cox. The highlights were of players intercepting a Cox pass, sacking Cox, Making him throw it away…it goes on and on. When Chicago drafted a DT from Ark. The clip was Cox calling an audible that lost yards………I know I am bashing the guy, but the cards are stacked against him. I am also excited because King Kong Dunlap was drafted. If that 315lbs of Useless is good enough to play pro ball, Maybe our promising O-Line could be much more than I first thought. And yes I called him useless, A sophomore (being carried off the field) grabbed him by the facemask and told him to get off his a** and block….most people would get fired up and earn their starting role back….but not our King Kong.
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 10:25 PM 0 Reactions