- Emmett
- The N.O. Saints to the Montgomery Biscuits, from Troy to Tulane. And Lots of Auburn Football in between - Random Sports thoughts from a Random South Alabama Guy
Hissssss-story repeating
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 8:58 PM 0 Reactions
Can MLB Dinosaurs learn new tricks?
Is it just me, or is MLB turning the possibility of a Mark Cuban owned Cubs into more drama than it ever should be. They are acting like Vince McMahon wants to buy the team and start the XMLB.
Mark Cuban may be a controversial figure, but he is also a smart business man. Any Controversy he would start would be defending his team. Instead they are treating him like the second coming of Marge Schott.
Most Casual Baseball fans know George Steinbrenner because he is one of the "Billionaire Bad Guys" in baseball. Outside of Steinbrenner the average person cannot name another owner of a franchise. This is where Cuban being part of the franchise could be the one of the best things to happen to baseball in a long time. Mark Cuban has the Jerry Jones like power to make people both love and hate him at the same time.... The "Anti-Hero"
Let me explain- And because I am a loser, I will use a cartoon as an example
The T-Rex in the photo above is a Transformer named Grimlock. He is loud, and has a bad personality...but he is on the same side as the good guys. The problem is that not many of the good guys like him because of his abrasive personality, and the fact he would rather fight than have a civil conversation. Yet, when there is a bigger, stronger villain in the scene...Grimlock is the guy they want fighting along side them.
It’s the same way in Sports: We are irritated by Jones until the Cowboys play the Patriots; we might dislike Cuban....but would love him if the Cubs beat the "Big Payroll" Yankees or "Better then you" Red Sox in the World Series.
I will end with this,
Baseball needs the Cubs to hold the NL fan base in their region; just like it needs the Braves, Dodgers, Reds and Mets. The only way they will continue to do that is to quit being the Lovable Losers and get a sense of Pride back in Wrigley.
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 6:13 AM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Cuban, Cubs, Emmett, MLB Owners, Ownership
K.S.I. Miami
Kimbo Slice Is (the face of MMA for) Miami, but I fear that CBS and a lot of MMA fans are expecting too much from the Internet Icon. The guy has a great back story...Football Star, played for the Hurricanes, Dropped out became homeless, becomes Bouncer for a porn company, becomes Internet Star Bare knuckle boxing. Its just like that movie Cinderella Man, only a whole lot better.
It just worries me when a sports figure is hyped too much, because often when they fail everything around them fails. MMA is a great sport, but if it fails on a major network it may set them back for a short time.
I was able to watch the Kimbo Fight that Aired on CBS Saturday night and I fully believe he won the only way he can, a K.O. or D.Q. (a blood DQ in this case).
I almost compare Kimbo to an option or spread QB being drafted in the top 10. He may be the strongest and fastest athlete, but his way does not work as well in the pros as it did in college.
Even if you look at Kimbo's record his best know win was over Tank Abbott, a man who is past his prime and fights the same strait up style as Kimbo.
I would like to see him fight someone smaller with good defensive matt skills, like Rich Franklin.
The best would be to see him and Brock Lesner go head to head. While many people were down on Lesner after his first match, I thought he showed an amazing upside. Especially for someone who had been fake fighting for all those years.
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 8:38 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Bare Knuckle, Emmett, Kimbo, MMA, Slice