- Emmett
- The N.O. Saints to the Montgomery Biscuits, from Troy to Tulane. And Lots of Auburn Football in between - Random Sports thoughts from a Random South Alabama Guy
One of the Wisest Bammers I Know
Mr. D wrote this quite a while back, but I think he still has a point.
Dunaway was doing the Tide Coaches show back then, so he saw many things first hand.
Things could always Be or Get worse....no matter what Auburn decides to do about Tubby....Its not gonna be pretty
Go Crazy Auburn, Go Crazy - Link
The Kopper Kettle Explosion
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 6:36 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn, Auburn Football, Bammer, DandBradio.com, Emmett, Jim Dunaway
Reasons to say War Eagle
One of my favorite quotes for my Aubies on the Edge:
When he took the Auburn Job Pat Dye was asked:
"How long will it take for you to beat Alabama"?
His reply, "60 minutes"
We have to keep our heads up, or else it goes to hell even faster.
War Eagle,
**** War Eagle **** Emmett ***** 4:18 PM 0 Reactions
The Playbook Auburn Football, Reasons to say War Eagle